Extended Credit Program Announced
Roseville, MN – September 1, 2021. Asmodee USA announced that it is excited to welcome back the extended credit program for Hobby Retailers. This program is timed specifically to help the hobby retailer prepare for the upcoming holidays.
Beginning September 1, 2021, and running through October 8, 2021, any qualified brick and mortar retailer may be offered extended credit with 90-day payment terms to make a onetime purchase from a specific list of titles. These titles have been curated to ensure they are high-profile, best-selling games from the Asmodee USA distribution library.
Orders placed by qualified stores will begin to ship out on a first come, first served basis. The 90-day payment terms will go into effect upon the shipment date.
Hobby retailers interested in finding out more information and if they qualify for this extended credit program beginning on September 1, 2021, should call their Asmodee USA sales representative.
*Subject to retailer eligibility requirements, compliance with AUSA retailer policies, product availability and qualifying purchases. Product restrictions apply. Extended Credit Program is subject to change, suspension or cancellation without notice.
About Asmodee USA
Asmodee USA Distribution is a sales, marketing, and distribution arm of the global Asmodee Group, a leading international company dedicated to bringing great games and amazing stories to all corners of the world. Asmodee USA Distribution represents the strongest portfolio of board games in the industry, including such favorite titles as Catan, Ticket to Ride, Spot It!, Pandemic, Just One, Dixit, X-WingTM, Dead of Winter, and many more.